Big rise in antisemitic incidents in UK - charity

The Jewish securities charity CST recorded 1,978 anti-Jewish hate incidents from January to June 2024.
2024-08-08 02:06:34

NYC campus extends remote classes amid Gaza protests

The hybrid learning comes amid reports of antisemitic harassment around Columbia University.
2024-04-23 20:08:12

Antisemitic false quote cut from Liz Truss memoir

The ex-PM's publishers apologise and agree to remove a fake quote tied to an antisemitic conspiracy theory.
2024-04-20 00:06:33

Melissa Barrera: Actress fired from Scream 7 over Israel-Gaza posts

Melissa Barrera is sacked from the film sequel for posts the production company say were antisemitic.
2023-11-22 13:08:30

White House criticises Elon Musk over 'hideous' antisemitic lie

Controversies over antisemitism have engulfed the billionaire and his social network, X.
2023-11-17 20:08:29

IBM suspends ads on X after they appeared next to Nazi posts

The decision came a day after owner Elon Musk endorsed an apparent antisemitic conspiracy theory.
2023-11-17 03:06:38

Gaza war: Hate crime soars in London during conflict

Antisemitic and Islamophobic hate crimes recorded by Met Police have risen dramatically since 7 October.
2023-10-28 09:11:18

Israel-Hamas war fuels debate and nationalist sentiment on Chinese social media

Israel's war with Palestinian militant group Hamas has sparked a fierce debate on China's tightly controlled social media, driving a wedge between those who support Israel's right to retaliate and a variety of pro-Palestinian voices -- including a surge in antisemitic views.
2023-10-20 11:07:16

French politicians put under police protection as antisemitism increases

France's interior minister says more than 100 antisemitic acts have been recorded since Saturday.
2023-10-12 15:13:40

Outrage over Abbas's antisemitic speech on Jews and Holocaust

German and Israeli officials condemn the Palestinian leader's remarks about the mass murder of Jews.
2023-09-07 21:20:59

Pittsburgh synagogue gunman gets death penalty

A jury has sentenced Robert Bowers for the 2018 attack - the deadliest antisemitic attack in the US.
2023-08-03 04:58:37

Robert Bowers found guilty of deadly Pittsburgh synagogue attack

Robert Bowers has been found guilty in the 2018 attack - the deadliest antisemitic attack in US history.
2023-06-16 23:14:56

A gázai háború pusztító hatásai nem maradtak Izrael és a megszállt Gázai övezet határain belül, az állami hatóságok és a civil szervezetek a világ számos részén, Európában is szélsőséges folyamatokról számolnak be:megsokszorozódtak a zsidókat célzó, és erőteljesen növekedett a muszlimok elleni gyűlölet-bűncselekmények száma, amelyek a verbális erőszaktól az imahelyek megrongálásán át a gyilkosságig terjednek. A Hamász október 7-i terrortámadása óta az európai zsidó lakossággal szembeni erőszak a november elejéig vezető hetekben ért el eddigi tetőfokára. Rövid idő alatt követték egymást a nagy ...
2023-12-04 16:08:52


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